Monday, October 27, 2008

Just because you're yelling, doesn't mean it's funny

Dear people who think being loud and obnoxious is funny,

It is not funny to yell. It's actually quite annoying. Recently I started watching some episodes of "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia." While there is some great writing and acting, I found myself disappointed when watching the few early episodes I found on Hulu. Why does Charlie have to scream all the time? Do people really yell like this in real life? I should hope not. It reminds me of some Jack Black shit that is so played out and annoying. Chris Farley is possibly the only comedian that has made me laugh while throwing some type of yelling fit accompanied by outrageous physical comedy. I am not trying to jump on the "good ole days of SNL" bandwagon, but it is true. It suited his character and just worked for some reason. In conclusion, I will still watch future episodes of "It's Always Sunny...," but I will be annoyed every time one of the characters FREAKS out. Inside voices people, subtle humor, step your game up.

"Stop eating people's old french fries pigeon. Have some self respect. Don't you know you can fly!"

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