I finally feel a little bit like my old self. My grip is back, my brain is moderately in control - the analytical/rational side is winning over the emotional side, so I feel like I'm on top. I'm always voting for rationality over emotion - it's so much easier. I am sure something/someone will come along soon enough and send me whirling back into the all too stereotypical female insanity that I made a part of my life in the past year. Let's hope, for everyone involved, that I've got it out of my system, and we don't go back to that horrible place.
This upcoming week will prove to be a real shitshow. I'll be leaving for New York City on Sunday morning, meeting up with my bff once removed (from boston) John Liam Policastro - aka Pboy for an UCB improv show. VERY excited...fingers crossed - Tina Fey will show up and adopt me as her protege/best friend/personal assistant. I'll be residing in lovely brooklyn with twoms (pentucket regional middle school hayyyyyy) and hopefully meeting up with my lil sister from a different mister Jenny from the block (not Lo...oh no), and a whole slew of NYC folk. I got new business cards so I'll try and be productive and give them to all the right people and in turn, some of the wrong people. I'm incredibly focused on work lately and highly motivated, which generally stems from a workload that is somewhat unfathomable, but completely necessary. I'll take the boltbus on wednesday morning home to go straight to Dante, try and make some dollars, sleep, work, Dante (reprise, thursday style) and then go back to New York on Friday. Trap Them on Saturday with Akimbo and other special guests and if the stars align and things go my way, I'll see Jay Reatard on Saturday night.
If you see me, bring me emergen-c, echinacea and anything that might relieve stress and prevent a cold, because all signs point to Monday October 27th as being the day I get my first bad cold of the season. Nothing like stress, nyc and some travel to ruin your immune system.
Well at this point I'd like to take the time to refer to the beginning of this post where I state that I don't have much to say. Even I knew that was bullshit when I was writing it. Like I could be short of words...please. Anyone know how babbling on incessantly about any subject can make me some money, I'm all ears.
It's 10pm on a Friday night and I want nothing more than to fall asleep, which, is what I'll go ahead and do.
thank you and goodnight.

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