Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm tugging on the sleeve, of how it used to be.

Nostalgia is a bitch. Well, I suppose it wouldn't be if things were slightly different. Do you only have fond memories of the past when you aren't creating fond memories of the present? Lately I've been thinking back to when I was absolutely and totally happy. I would love to live again and have greg, hook and brian hanging out in my room - laughing hysterically at ourselves. I don't know what it was, but that was the best time ever. Years have passed and even if we were all in the same room again, it wouldn't be the same.

I wish that for this christmas me, adam, greg, walter, twoms, karl, kerry, mark and sean would be at stephanies house in her sunroom eating cookies, drinking tea, and wrestling, with an occasional glance at a porno mag. That would be really great. Like the aforementioned hypothetical hanging out arrangement, this one would end in the same way. If that happened, this christmas, it'd be great, but it wouldn't be the same.

I suppose that is fine. It's part of life, but I'm slowly finding that there has been no supplement to that. It's completely my fault. I told a friend this week, when discussing having two jobs and working 6/7 days a week, to be ready for when your friends stop calling you cause you're always working. At first you're sad, but after a while you realize they are right, you simply aren't around. I've gone from having a solid group of friends who were together pretty much at all times, to luckily having a roomate who I love and get a long great with. I have a lot of friends, in a lot of different circles, but I suppose it's in a more "adult" fashion of having friends. You work, do your own thing, and have the occasional dinner date planned with a friend, or a few friends, and that is it. You talk about how much you miss one another and how you have to hang out more, but alas, life gets in the way, and unless you have someone totally incorporated into your life schedule, it's just not going to work.

I don't know what the point of this entry is. I can't get back to the past, nothing really is going to change, and this is all part of growing up. I'm also not going to have any more time. I'm about to talk to my friend about picking up shifts at her restaurant in addition to the other jobs I have. I need to save $2500 by July... you can paypal donations to

Oh, and vote Obama. I don't hate McCain, but I am scared of Sarah Palin - so yeah, if that bitch gets in office I am moving to Australia or London. So basically, if you like me and want me to stay here to hang out with you -- vote obama. It would basically translate into a vote for ME.

I just saw this picture on my computer, I love it. It stars vince...

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