Okay. This update is long overdue. I'm sure it doesn't really matter, as KP is the only one that is waiting for it, haha...but here goes nothing.
Los Angeles:
Love your weather.
Don't really like the city.
I'm sure this is a generic complaint, but everything is too spread out. I'm small, I like small things - crowded cities, all that.
BIG thanks to Liz for giving me the best hair cut ever. No thanks to Liz for the haircut because it makes me want to fly to LA every 6 months to have her cut it.
Getting cute earrings on Melrose was a highlight, and seeing my friend Lynn from college. Shouts to her for the air mattress.
Sound and Fury:
Please read the 2 blog entries that Blacklisted wrote right after the weekend. Pretty much sums it up. Good fest, good bands, good friends. Long days, some not so great bands, and well... I wish I could just put all my real friends in a bubble, and toss everyone else aside. Such is life... oh aquaintances, how I don't need any more of you.
Santa Barbara weather is great. Michelle, the other side of my brain, gets props for well, being the other side of my brain.
San Francisco:
Thanks to Shipwreck for giving me a ride to Sacramento. I felt an earthquake at Starbucks on the way up. It was cool. Wouldn't want to feel the big guy though, shit was kind of nuts. Hi Sacramento. Love Killing the Dream. Good gig. Seeing Blacklisted, Rise and Fall, Shipwreck, KTD and A&O was a great time...would do that again.
My time in the bay area was awesome. I stayed at my dear friend Kims house - big thank you to her and her roomates for letting me stay. I mostly just chilled in the city during the day, sat in parks, shopped, read my book, watched all the crazies. Then at night it was hanging out. SAw some Kevin Nealon stand up -- that was funny - basically hanging out with Mr. Anthony Hook can make me happy and feel at home anywhere.
Other lovely faces I saw - war hungry, jason t, lil debbie, sam, Toast, Jorie, Naoma, and of course, Rise and Fall and Alpha and Omega.
Going to the Santa Cruz boardwalk was awesome for my last day. See some photo strips below. I'll post some other random pics as I see them.
Right now, its Friday and I got let out early from the restaurant. I've worked there most days I've been home...Im looking forward to philly next weekend. Bye.